divendres, 2 de juny del 2017


Those parts of you that are visible to the world lack nothing, and no one could imagine improving them. Everybody admits this unreservedly, though they’re only saying what’s obviously true—what even your enemies praise you for. Thus, your outside is rewarded with public praise. But the same people who give you the praise your beauty deserves take quite another tack once they’ve looked beyond the surface. These people examine the beauty of your mind and character, and they guess at what’s in there by observing your actions. Then, though they judged your appearance kindly, their harsh thoughts tell them that although you appear beautiful you smell corrupt. So, if you don’t smell as good as you look, this is the reason: You’re hanging out with lowlifes. 

Esas partes de ti, que ve el ojo del mundo,
nada piden, que pueda, reponer el instinto.
Las lenguas y las almas, te dan ese tributo,
esa verdad desnuda que aceptan tus rivales.
Coroan tu fachada con loas exteriores,
pero las mismas lenguas, que te dan lo debido,
con diversos acentos, combian esos elogios,
escrutando más lejos, de lo que el ojo muestra.
Miran en tu interior, la verdad de tu alma,
y a esta, en conjetuda, por sus acciones miden,
cuando sus rudas mentes y  benébolos ojos,
añaden a tu rosa, hedor de malas hierbas.
Más porque a tu apariencia, tu olor no corresponde, 
el resultado es este: Que creces entre el vulgo.
Las partes que de ti presencia el mundo,
No hay halago que pueda embellecerlas;
Las lenguas todas (voces de las almas)
Respetan la verdad, aun si enemigas.
Tu figura exterior es coronada;
Con elogio exterior, mas esas lenguas
Hablan con acentos diferentes
Cuando miran no sólo con los ojos.
Sondean la belleza de tu alma
Y le miden de acuerdo con tus actos,
Y si antes te admiraban ahora añaden
A tu flor de belleza aromas agrios.
Tu perfume es indigno de tu aspecto
Porque creces rodeado de malezas. - See more at: http://albalearning.com/audiolibros/shakespeare/soneto069.html#sthash.E1iQotr5.dpuf

Las partes que de ti presencia el mundo,
No hay halago que pueda embellecerlas;
Las lenguas todas (voces de las almas)
Respetan la verdad, aun si enemigas.
Tu figura exterior es coronada;
Con elogio exterior, mas esas lenguas
Hablan con acentos diferentes
Cuando miran no sólo con los ojos.
Sondean la belleza de tu alma
Y le miden de acuerdo con tus actos,
Y si antes te admiraban ahora añaden
A tu flor de belleza aromas agrios.
Tu perfume es indigno de tu aspecto
Porque creces rodeado de malezas. - See more at: http://albalearning.com/audiolibros/shakespeare/soneto069.html#sthash.E1iQotr5.dpuf

Las partes que de ti presencia el mundo,
No hay halago que pueda embellecerlas;
Las lenguas todas (voces de las almas)
Respetan la verdad, aun si enemigas.
Tu figura exterior es coronada;
Con elogio exterior, mas esas lenguas
Hablan con acentos diferentes
Cuando miran no sólo con los ojos.
Sondean la belleza de tu alma
Y le miden de acuerdo con tus actos,
Y si antes te admiraban ahora añaden
A tu flor de belleza aromas agrios.
Tu perfume es indigno de tu aspecto
Porque creces rodeado de malezas. - See more at: http://albalearning.com/audiolibros/shakespeare/soneto069.html#sthash.E1iQotr5.dpuf
The Statue of Liberty is an a colossal sculpture, on an island at the entrance of Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City, United States. The Statue of Liberty It was designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and the famous engineer Gustave Eiffel, and was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in 1876. The statue was inaugurated in 1886.

The Statue was designated as a National Monument in 1924 and Ellis Island in1965. The Statue receives a large number of visitors and has professional staff and facilities, to make clear that the statue was clean and perfect at inside. You only access to the Liberty Island by ferri or swimming.
Image result for statue of liberty at night


divendres, 5 de maig del 2017


In reality I don't know what is love becouse like  you know I'm a teenager and I have never fallen in love, pobrably some teenegers think that he/she feel in love for only have sex, and this is so normal because when we are teenagers we think that having sex is respect a person, but in fact having sex is not respect a person is only having sex, and respect a person is making love, and I think through the years you learn what love is really about. 
I don't have a lot of experiences with love, and I don't want to explain my experiencies with love here online because I think this is selling youself, and I want to say that love is not the typical story of the Disney princes.

divendres, 3 de març del 2017

 SEBASTIAO SALGADOResultado de imagen de sebastiao salgado genesis pantera BEBIENDO AGUA
 This is an amazing photo of Sebastiao Salgado.
 It is a eye level shot, and that shows a lot of respect for us, is a long shot too, you can see all the panter and all the trouhg. I chose this photo because shows me a lot of respect for the eye level, and I love the color black and white I think is so elegant, as  I said for me is an amazing photo.