divendres, 16 de desembre del 2016


1. Because the black man says to the little boy they have the gift of the vision of the present, past and future.

2. Jack is possessed by the spirit, and he was in the picture at the end of the movie because he is the same spirit.

3. After the visits room 237,  Danny gets hurt by an old woman who killed herself.

4. He knows the name of the barman because the barman is the Devil.

5. Jack is possessed by the spirit in the hotel. In the hotel there are a lot of spirits because it was built on an old cemetery.

6. The man in the Chimpunk costume is sucking the dick of the man in the tuxedo. The significance of this scene is making Wendy crazy when she sees the devil’s spirit.

7. It is so scary because when Wendy watches always the same word repeated again and again she gets scared because she knows for sure that her husband has mental problems.

8.He is the boy who lives in Danny’s mouth.

9. The director wants us not to know exactly the final of the film.

10. The old woman in the room 237 is a women  who killed herself because her husband wanted to kill her.

11. Yes, because Danny can watch the future.

12. Every winter the  spirit attacks again. Like the man doesn’t know, his son has the power of the shining, the other spirits have to guide him to know that, and the man, at the beginning of the stance in the hotel, isn't a psychopath.

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016


My hero is my mom, her name is Marta, is a make up artist, is not a very toll person, but she has a very big hard, she always look fashion.
She's a fantastic person she is soliradity. For example if you need money and she has 3€ she gives you those 3€, she is a noble person, and a supermother, she is brave, and always protects me and my sisters. We have a lot of things in comun.
She is my hero because she's alwys by my side and she is a lovely person.

divendres, 4 de novembre del 2016

Resultado de imagen de gato salvajeTHE ANIMAL IN ME 

 Wildcat Characteristics
Wildcat is:

.Small to medium size

For this web http://animalinyou.com I identify with a wildcat. The wildcat is a small to medium size, is a spiritual animal, and sexy, this animal is autonomous and uncommitted. I think I seem to the widcat, because I am autonomus for example, I like to by my clothes with my money, I think too, I am uncommitted, and this thing is true. I am not so taller I am medium size. The text put I am spiritual, but I don't know if I am spiritual, I like goes and witch but this don't tell I be spiritual person. Also, I don't know if I am sexy.

If you wanna do the survey go to this page http://animalinyou.com.


Once I dreamt that I was a baby and one big, big, big and very dargerows red and black spider, wontet to kill me, and when I watch it I scream a lot, and I started to run, when the spider was in my back I foll down on a high stairs.

dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2016


What is this dream about? why?
I want to be a fashion dessigner. Because I love the fashion world, and I I  like to sew, create new things, etc.
What difficulties do I have to face to fulfill this dream?
My big problem is that in the world of fashion, people are very competitive and if you're innocent you'll be eaten alive.
What solutions do I have?
My solution is not be so innocent because people happened to me that I have stolen desings.

divendres, 30 de setembre del 2016


1-I want to be a fashion dessigner 

2-I want to throw me in a parachute

3-I want to go to NY

4-I want to get married

5-I want to by a Chanel handbag

6-I want to live in Barcelona

7-I want to have a black cat

8-I want to have a beetle red car

9-I want to have a very big dressing room

10-I want to be healthy

dilluns, 26 de setembre del 2016

"Shoes transform your body language  and actittude. they lift you physically and emotionally"
Christian Louboutin
 Resultado de imagen de christian louboutin allenissima shoes