divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016


My hero is my mom, her name is Marta, is a make up artist, is not a very toll person, but she has a very big hard, she always look fashion.
She's a fantastic person she is soliradity. For example if you need money and she has 3€ she gives you those 3€, she is a noble person, and a supermother, she is brave, and always protects me and my sisters. We have a lot of things in comun.
She is my hero because she's alwys by my side and she is a lovely person.

divendres, 4 de novembre del 2016

Resultado de imagen de gato salvajeTHE ANIMAL IN ME 

 Wildcat Characteristics
Wildcat is:

.Small to medium size

For this web http://animalinyou.com I identify with a wildcat. The wildcat is a small to medium size, is a spiritual animal, and sexy, this animal is autonomous and uncommitted. I think I seem to the widcat, because I am autonomus for example, I like to by my clothes with my money, I think too, I am uncommitted, and this thing is true. I am not so taller I am medium size. The text put I am spiritual, but I don't know if I am spiritual, I like goes and witch but this don't tell I be spiritual person. Also, I don't know if I am sexy.

If you wanna do the survey go to this page http://animalinyou.com.


Once I dreamt that I was a baby and one big, big, big and very dargerows red and black spider, wontet to kill me, and when I watch it I scream a lot, and I started to run, when the spider was in my back I foll down on a high stairs.