divendres, 3 de març del 2017


1- What do you think about Girona?
 Very beautiful city.

2- Did you go to "El Barri Vell"? What do you think about it?
 I actually live in "El Barri Vell" so I know well all the strets and I know every thing around.

3- What's your favourite spot of Girona?
 I don't know, the Cathedral.

4- If you could change one thing about the city, what would you change?
 The night life, is very borring.

5- Did you see the painting of the "Cocollona"? Do you know the story about it?
 Yeah, I know have some friends from here, and they have told me about it.

6- Do you feel comfortable here in Girona? Why?
 Yeah, because people are nice and very polite, and, I don't know.

7- What do you think about the cuisine in Girona?
 I don't know, it's very tasty, and there are many restaurants so high quality and it is good.

8- Games of Thrones was filmed here, did you come here because of this fact?

9- What is your opinion about the character of the people of Girona?
 As I said they're very nice and polite, and I don't know.

10- What do you think about the bridges?
 The bridge!? Yes.Which bridge? All the bridges. I don't know very  beautiful bridges.

11- What is your favourite bridge?
 I gess the one of the Eiffel bridge.

12- Do you know who designed the red bridge?

13- Are you tried about all these questions?
 Yeah! I wanna eat my apple!

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